Categories Fitness, Photography, Ruminations

300 days.

300 days until my wedding day.

300 and 2 until I’m on a plane to Greece for my honeymoon.

It’s a turning point in life, getting married. At least for me. Not because my relationship necessarily changes (though it does), but because it’s publicly declaring my commitment to our friends and family that this is the person I want to face life’s hurdles with.

(the irony that I’ve been down this road and it wasn’t exactly ..successful.. isn’t lost on me).

Despite that I’m going to do this again. Because it’s important. I love these little milestones in life, good or bad. It’s a point like so many in life that I can look back and see the trail marker of where I’ve been. It gives our narrative a sense of gravity and permanence.

But the 300 reference is key here because it represents a definite turning point in my home life, a possible turning point in my work, and I’m just going to throw in a goal for my self too.

I want to be the best version of myself going into my wedding that I possibly can be. Mentally, emotionally, physically, fiscally- you name it. So for the next 300 days I’m dialing up the workout and activity, I’m researching a therapist to help me to better manage my noggin, and who knows .. maybe I’ll take some extra classes come January. Kyle and I are both buckling down leading up this, and I’m glad he’ll be with me along the way.